We're All In This
Together - Revisited:
The Benefits of Fostering Collaboration with Parents and Service
Providers in a
Comprehensive Classroom Management Plan
Carol Davis and Alice Yang have written an entire book that speaks to this idea of teachers, parents and service providers collaborating to ensure that the needs of the student are met. Their book: “Parents & Teachers Working Together” provides excellent insights and practical strategies that teachers can use to begin to build bridges. It stresses the need for mutual respect of each other's different knowledge and skills sets, and discusses at length the importance of regular, positive communication and interactions between teachers and parents. Problem-solving, child development, academic progress: all these areas need to be collaborative efforts on the part of the teacher and family; involving other service providers that are involved in the care and instructional needs of each student is appropriate as well. I will need to develop positive relationships with anyone involved in the care of my students to ensure that my students are getting their needs met. Any person that walks into my classroom will find out quickly that we have a partnership in each student's education.
As I get to know my students, I will get to know their families too. I will use several different means of communication to foster this mutual desire to provide for their child's needs.
I will contact family and ask them to share as much as they can about what they think I should know about their child.
At the beginning of the school year, if not before, I will ask they they complete a form similar to these two student survey forms.
student survey form1 & student survey form2. (Images/STUDENT_INFORMATION_SHEET.pdf) and (Images/survey.pdf)In order to keep track of my contact with the family I will use this parent contact form . (Images/parentcontact.pdf)
I will keep all parents informed about class events and projects by using this newsletter format . (Images/newsletter_monthly.pdf)
I will provide progress and status information to parents using this student progress sheet (Images/midprog.pdf) or these quick notes . (Images/template_good_news.doc)
If a substitute teacher must step in as a result of my unexpected or planned absence, I will leave a detailed outline of what to expect, and what the students need to focus on while I am out. A form like this Substitute Plans will be helpful in that effort. (Images/substitute_plans.pdf)
Bottom line: Communication and planning are key when collaborating with others. Having practical means of inviting everyone to participate in conveying information and making decisions avoids frustration and anxiety.