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Below is the rubric that will be used to grade the group and individual work.  If you haven't already, you can print out the group reflection and the individual reflection papers.




























Composting - What's It All About?

Exemplary work and effort demonstrated
Proficient at task
Additional instruction required
Total Points 100
Group Data collection

Data collection is highly detailed with generous use of descriptive words, sketches, and includes at least the minimum specified information.
Data collection is moderately detailed with some use of descriptive words, sketches, and and includes just the minimum specified information.
Data collection has sparse detail with little or no use of descriptive words or sketches, and and includes less than the minimum specified information.
____points out of 15 total points

Student speaks and acts in a respectful manner to teammate, provides encouragement and demonstrates fair play with no or limited teacher instruction (once per 15 minute period)
Student speaks and acts in a respectful manner to teammate, provides encouragement and demonstrates fair play with some teacher instruction needed (2-3 per 15 minute period)
Student speaks and acts in a respectful manner to teammate, provides encouragement and demonstrates fair play with significant teacher instruction needed (more than 3 instances per 15 minute period)
____points out of 15 total points
Group: What We Learned worksheet
Six or more are listed with detailed and in-depth explanations
At least five are listed with well-thought-out explanations
Less than five are listed and/or little detail or depth in explanations
____points out of 15 total points
Group: Storyboard

Clear, detailed, and easy-to-follow sequence, neatly written/drawn, creative and accurate. Obvious contributions from all members.
Clear and relatively easy-to-follow sequence, neatly written/drawn, creative and mostly accurate.
Unorganized, lacking detail, illegible writing
____points out of 15 total points
Creative representation of facts:

All members participating, ten or more facts included, and are accurate and detailed, engaging to audience
Most members participating, at least seven facts included and are mostly accurate and somewhat detailed, engaging to audience
Members not fully participating, less than five facts included or more than five are included but not accurate or detailed, not very engaging to audience
____points out of 20 total points
Individual Reflection:
student explanation and defense of reasoning and method they chose to solve problem
Answers are clear and demonstrate the students' complete and deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical principles
Answers are clear but demonstrate that the student still holds a few minor misconceptions or misunderstandings of mathematical principles
Answers are not clear and demonstrate that the student still holds a many misconceptions or misunderstandings of mathematical principles
____points out of 20 total points